Recent content by Karaya_1

  1. Karaya_1

    Original USAAF Me-262 Pilots notes

    That would be very kind, thank you !
  2. Karaya_1

    Original USAAF Me-262 Pilots notes

    Thank you, the german newspaper article in the second link is from M.S.Koziol, a founding member of our museum.
  3. Karaya_1

    Original USAAF Me-262 Pilots notes

    Hello Gary, this is very interesting. This aircraft (711) was build in Schwäbisch Hall and was flown to the US forces in Frankfurt by Hans Fay. It was the first 262 in flyable condition in allied hands. It was test flown in Wright Field by Russell E. Schleeh and Walter J. "Mac" McAuley, Jr. who...
  4. Karaya_1

    Can anyone identify this one?

    Hi, I just found this : Stalingrad looked wrong for me, the big buildings were too close to an airfield there :
  5. Karaya_1

    Does anyone know what "Bordsammler" means?

    Right - "über" here means "doing it by using" - please leave the German language to us Germans, we know it since birth... ;):pilotsalute:
  6. Karaya_1

    Does anyone know what "Bordsammler" means?

    Sammler is the German translation for the Latin word "Accumulator" - so the Bordsammler is an on-board battery pack that you can use (Anlassvorgang über Bordsammler), if no external starter car is available ("Anlassvorgang über Außenbord-Stromquelle"). Greetings from Germany Michael
  7. Karaya_1


    No, that's not true. "Karaya - exotic Ferrytale" is a german song played in the spare time of the 9./JG52 - they didn't had many records available, so they played it very often. So everybody in the squadron knew the word. When Hermann Graf, squadron leader of 9./JG52 forgot his valid radio code...
  8. Karaya_1

    Flying Aircraft of WWII

    Yes, it's Seattle and after a crash on their 3rd flight, the Lady is back in the air again....we have also 1 Me 108, 2 Me 109's and a FW 190 now flying in Germany....they are building a series of 13 aircraft (11 flyable and 9 already sold) including 2 FW 190 D-9 !!!!!!!
  9. Karaya_1

    Spinner Question

    You are both right....on the FW 189 you see the drive of the variable-blade-pitch-mechanism and on the Me 163 you see the propeller of the electrical power generator !
  10. Karaya_1

    technical drawings

    Here's the Me 321/323 !
  11. Karaya_1

    The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

    If it was so easy for Hartmann to reach over 300 kills from 1943 to 1945 over "weak and unexperienced" Russian pilots and planes (an allied rumor !), why is there no allied pilot, who reached 100 (or at least 50) kills over weak and unexperienced German pilots and planes from 1944 to 1945 ...
  12. Karaya_1

    The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

    Hi, here I must correct you : the highest German Decoration was the KC with GOLDEN Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. It was awarded only once : to the highest decorated soldier of WW II : Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel, the Stuka-Ace ! 2530 sorties (all time world record), 519 tanks destroyed, 1...
  13. Karaya_1

    The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

    I don't know, where BL is, but this is the thing he saw in his rear view mirror yesterday....
  14. Karaya_1

    Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

    Hmmm....the Duke ? :?:
  15. Karaya_1

    The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

    OK. I'm German, but it's a rumor that we know everything........but I like spreading that rumor... :D :D :D :P :P :P :twisted: