Recent content by Nxthanos

  1. N

    **** GROUP BUILD #11 Aircraft of the ACES Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ****

    I seem to be doing ok with the freehand, I'm having trouble getting the paint to come out in a continuous flow. Maybe its not mixed enough or too thick, but it starts and stops and has caused me some cleans ups already.
  2. N

    **** GROUP BUILD #11 Aircraft of the ACES Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ****

    Still trying to get the airbrush to work correctly also, those Iwata brand ones are really good, but it takes some getting used too.
  3. N

    **** GROUP BUILD #11 Aircraft of the ACES Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ****

    What is killing me is it never seems to come out the way i had invisioned it, I keep trying this or that and it ends up gumming up the works. For example, I had the p-40 looking good, and decided to muddy it up, instead of improving it, it killed the way it looked. On my Hellcat I noticed...
  4. N

    **** GROUP BUILD #11 Aircraft of the ACES Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ****

    Its frustrating to not be getting better. Its ok, at least i gave it a shot.
  5. N

    **** FINISHED: P-40E Leningrad Front, USSR 1943 - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

    That is your interpretation, its also one I do not sunbscribe too, nor do I like seeing yet ANOTHER mod be insulting to me for no reason. Once again, the thread BELOW MINE was addressed and mine was not which is why that comment was made. I have already referred this matter to an administrator.
  6. N

    **** FINISHED: P-40E Leningrad Front, USSR 1943 - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

    I have been informed that my work is garbage and that if I didn't think so, well 'the truth hurts' by one of the powers that be. I've always understood that i was average at building at best, but that doesn't mean i like being insulted.
  7. N

    **** FINISHED: P-40E Leningrad Front, USSR 1943 - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

    Thanks for the kind words, but I am withdrawing it from consideration. It seems I'm just a rotten builder that has no place among giants, and i wouldn't want to waterdown the builds with my amaturish junk.
  8. N

    completed 1/72 kits

    Very nice work, couldn't tell they were so small!
  9. N

    Recent Purchases

    And a real candidate for the favorite GB. I am finally getting my building mojo back and hope to churn a few out soon.
  10. N

    Recent Purchases

    This one i bought for $20 because I really wanted a top spitfire mkI This guy was $8
  11. N

    Recent Purchases

    I have been wanting a 110 in that scale. I know what you mean by auctions, its where I buy most everything these days.