1/48 Hurricane Mk.I - Defense of Britain/Atlantic.

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Username: dneid
First name: Dale
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Tamiya / Italeri
Model Type: Hurricane Mk. I
Aftermarket addons: Techmod Decals / CMK Interior (I have not decided for sure on using this)

Ok, time for me to jump back in to build SOMETHING by the end of the year. I need to research the various markings / pilots in the Techmod decal set. I will update the thread as I find more information.

Hurricane MkI Intro Decals.JPG

Hurricane MkI Intro1.JPG
Good one. I'm finding the Italeri kit a bit of a challenge. Instrument panel fit is a bit of a head scratcher. I'll be posting an update on my build soon.
Hello, Guys,
I have been making progress on the Hurricane. But, not as much as I would like. This annoying thing called a job keeps getting in the way. Ok, a few updates. I have been working on the resn cockpit. I am about ready to finalize a few things on it (seat assembly and IP). Once these are done, I will be ready to test fit it into the fuse. I have the motor painted and assembled, no extra detailing as I am going to close up the engine compartment.

Photos of cockpit follow:

Cockpit floor sidewalls - rear.JPG

cockpit floor.JPG

Cockpit sidewall - left.JPG

Cockpit sidewall - rgt.JPG

Floor with rudder assembly
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Hey, Wurger,
Can you move this thread to the Start to Finish area? I am going to continue on with this one and I would like to update the thread.
Not sure it matters Dale. I've continued many of my GB threads past the deadline and just didn't post the finished thread.

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