Me 262 Prototype photos

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Master Sergeant
Jul 16, 2009
South Plainfield New Jersey
Does anyone have any good info/ photos or drawings of the earlier Me262's? I have very few photos that I've found online but not much. Anything more would be great. What I would really like to do is the v? with both the jumo and propeller engines on one airframe. From what I understand on one flight both Jumo's failed and the pilot had to land using the prop engine.

the V1 which I have a few photos of from what I understand is basically the 262 airframe with a prop motor no jet engines and is a tail dragger.

Any help would be appreciated
This is from page 534 of German Aircraft of the Second World War by Smith Kay

(I can email you the pic which is twice as big as this one, just PM me)


  • Me 262 V1.JPG
    Me 262 V1.JPG
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Weird proto, Completely different flying characteristic and center of gravity, I simply dont undestand why they just dont waited till the Jets arrived.
I have found this only. Source unknown....

There is a larger image of these drawings in the rar file.


  • Me262prototype.jpg
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  • Me262V1.rar
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I figured it was going to be almost impossible to find decent photos of this aircraft. The drawings are perfect and will help a great deal.
There's a picture in Jagdwaffe Vol 5 Sect 4 of the one with just the prop, no jets. Just holler if you want me to post. Otherwise, same pic as the one David posted.
Here you go Dirk. It's likely the only pic of this machine so you've probably seen it.


  • Me 262 V1.jpg
    Me 262 V1.jpg
    125.7 KB · Views: 800

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