Ta152H-1 "Black 14" of JG301

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Mar 31, 2007

I'm looking for information on this plane, supposed to have been one of JG301's sometime in 1945. I would like to model a 152H that's not the usual green/brown scheme, and this is the only one I've found so far. I could do a 152C (such as V7), but that's a last resort.
I only started to learn about the specifics of Jagdgeschwader structure one hour ago. I've gotten as far as Geschwader/Gruppe/Staffel rules, but I'm stuck at how the aircraft number and their colors are assigned.
I've found references to Green 1, 3, 4, and 9, Yellow 1 and 3, and Black 13, but nothing on Black 14.
I just need some proof that it existed in colors other than RLM 81/82 or 82/83, and is not just a fake color profile on this page.
Is it a winter scheme? There's not much detail and the Reich Defense band doesn't match the markings this research predicts. Is it a color profile based on second hand report?

If no one knows anything about this plane, any sort of pointers to possible resources for it would be very appreciated.

That's ok. I'm curious about the horizontal bars that guy found, but I guess that's for another thread.

I can't just wait a whole year to do this model :) Is Black 14 completely wrong, or only partialy? Could you give me just a few hints of where to find Ta152H (incl. prototypes) profiles that aren't the usual colors?

Breizh, there were not a lot of Ta152's built, and the distinct lack of photo's only complicates the matter, from what is currently available you dont have much in the way of choices.
"The usual colours" are what you have to work with I'm afraid, chances are there may have been some odd schemes amongst the 67ish Ta152's built but without supporting evidence.....well.
The odd ball out however is in the new Jerry Crandall Dora-9 book where reference to an overall orange-red Ta152,which was flown by the Kommodore, Obslt. Fritz Auffhammer when he returned it to Rechlin Technical Centre after evaluation.
I too want to build some Ta152's, I have 3 Trimaster kits in waiting, but I will be patient for now....C'mon Erich!:lol:
Black 14 as well as 13, 11, 10, 9 and others were from the 35 issued to III. gruppe in January of 1945. I will say no more it will be all included later .........

~ 2 ¢ for now or should that be 2 £ ?
Erich your just a tease.:lol:

Cant wait till your book is out. If those 2 drawings I posted in the technical section are of any use to you please feel free to use.

Ps Will their be a discount for fellow cyclists/ww2 aircraft .net members???
there should be bigz...........but probably not, and thanks for the offer we have a truck load of tech specs for the TA and the Dora
Wayne, are you positive the reference to that Ta152 is in that book?

Absolutely! There is no photo, only a profile, however there is a facimile of a certificate written and signed by Fritz Auffhammer (Kommodore) pilot of the Ta152 and Roderick Cescotti (Technical Officer) flying as escort in a D-9 relating to the flight and the reason for the special paint job.

Now there you go again Erich !....:) teasing us with another tidbit.


  • 3250-reshke black 13 4 veiw.jpg
    3250-reshke black 13 4 veiw.jpg
    97.7 KB · Views: 647
Yes I had, but thanks all the same Roman :)

I have been reading up on my spare time and have found a possibility, probably a long shot, but it sort of makes sense:

Some of the operational Ta152s were prototypes. JG11 reportedly got a batch of these, although they did not see combat.
The prototypes seem to typicaly have worn schemes in shades of grey, e.g. WN 150055 (V30), which is supposed to have been RLM 74/75, or CI+XM (a 152C proto), etc.

Could Black 14 have been one of these? A prototype put to combat use without being painted to one of the standard 81/82/83 schemes?

ModelArt has a few paint scheme schematics and one JG301 profile of WN 003 (this is V3, right?) in "74/75 (83?)" with a black spinner and a Green 4 numeral, but this same WN "150003" is also depicted in this same book as being the model taken in as FE112. A pretty big error which kills the book's credibility.

But given how amateurish the Black 14 profile is drawn as seen on that Wings Palette website, could these two be the same plane? A prototype put into combat service with its prototype paint scheme?
It seems like the only sensible explanation.
I think there was/is either a kit or a conversion set for the Ta152 but I can't recall what it was at the moment? I'm sure Wurger will fill in the gap soon enough!

Ah found it!, my daughter to the rescue again posting the link.

Jerry Rutman's Ta 152

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