Recent content by GregP

  1. GregP

    Most Beautiful Aircraft of WW2?

    I bet the thrift shop didn't sell Olympia beer. Oly Gold was pretty decent.
  2. GregP

    Design and properties of the Spitfire Mk. 21+ wing

    Never have heard ANY Spitfire described as a "poor gun platform" before. You might have to cite some references for that one to get any traction.
  3. GregP

    Most Unattractive Aircraft of WW2

    Anybody a fan of the LWS-6 Zubr? This is one butt-ugly airplane. It reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield joke when he said, "when the doctor saw me, he slapped my mother!" 17 were built. The prototype crashed due to a mid-air structural failure of the wing. Fixing that made it a lot heavier...
  4. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Nobody cared what we thought before Dec 7, we weren't in the war or likely to be. We also weren't in the war on Dec 8, either, but the world took some notice of our reaction when they heard about Pearl Harbor. You can believe it or not, but by a month later, we had already started down the path...
  5. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Yeah, but we were attacked on 7 Dec 1941, at least according to the history I read. By 8 December, we weren't quite so isolationist as we were a day before ... according to people who were there at the time. I have asked over 100 of them personally, from civilians, including relatives, to...
  6. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    These polls are irrelevant since all are BEFORE 7 Dec 1941. Where is your poll for Dec 8, 1941? AFTER Pearl Harbor? I already said above that, while we were isolationist in opinions, that did NOT include turning the other cheek once we were attacked. Ya' gotta' read all three sentences above...
  7. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    It was, according to my grandparents who were there. But, being isolationist did not include turning the other cheek when we were attacked. The attack on Pearl Harbor generated instant zeal and a desire to strike back. It's sort of like being a contentious objector in a foxhole and then...
  8. GregP

    Canopy aerodynamics

    me, too.
  9. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Not too sure anything about this question happened "in the fog of war," since the decisions were made an ocean away by people who hadn't been fighting in Europe in modern (at the time) airplanes. My problem with it is that unless I look up every reference, I can't tell if the references are...
  10. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    I heard that and look forward to his response. Watching the debate made me think that both people were somehow right, but the basic question doesn't HAVE two answers. I KNOW P-47s have decent range since it is well-documented. What I am not sure about is exactly WHY they didn't take advantage...
  11. GregP

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    One of the difficult things about arguing with you, Bill, is that you generally cite references for your assertions that back up what you say with some decently-documented facts. Sometimes it is rather infuriating, unless you are actually LOOKING for facts instead of your own opinion. Greg said...
  12. GregP

    Design and properties of the Spitfire Mk. 21+ wing

    The post reads like it, Wayne, but I take your point. A Spitfire 21 (and a Spitfire 24) is one of my favorite airplanes. Cheers.
  13. GregP

    Design and properties of the Spitfire Mk. 21+ wing

    There wasn't a Spitfire that could get to 1300 km/h in any configuration that was still in one piece. The max safe speed ever reached was 975 km/h by Squadron Leader J. R. Tobin in a Mk XI. That same Mk XI late in 1944 reached 1000 km/h when the propeller failed, but it never was EVER going to...
  14. GregP

    Zoom Climb

    Big Bang was a good series for comedy with occasional decent humor about physics and math. My favorite character is Penny ... but all were decent actors in their parts. I also used to like, "Are You Being Served?", at least in its time period. Might still be funny; might not ... unsure.
  15. GregP

    Zoom Climb

    Doesn't matter what power setting; at max power, there is some sustainable climb rate. Any climb rate more than the max sustainable climb rate is a zoom climb. But, zoom climb CAN be less than max sustainable climb rate if you are at reduced power. Nevertheless, any climb rate in excess of...