KAKI3152's latest activity

  • K
    KAKI3152 replied to the thread Ki-84 vs P-51 engagemants 1945.
    Alright, here's a quote from " Ki-44 Tojo Aces of WWII" by Nicholas Millman: ", pg 43. "At the end of September [1944], the 85th Sentai...
  • K
    KAKI3152 replied to the thread Ki-84 vs P-51 engagemants 1945.
    Also, I think Capt Burman was shot down by ground fire. Failed to Return (FTR) strafing mission off Kyushu, Japan in P-51D 44-63335...
  • K
    KAKI3152 replied to the thread Ki-84 vs P-51 engagemants 1945.
    The October 4,1944 combat was a mixed Ki-44 and Ki-84 affair. Four Ki-84s and four Ki-44s participated in this combat, Three P-51s of...
  • K
    KAKI3152 replied to the thread Ki-84 vs P-51 engagemants 1945.
    Yes, there were P-51s of the 14th AF that were lost against Ki-84s. And I'm sure some P-51Ds were lost to KI-84s in the battle over Japan.