Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 22, 2008
for all you modelbuilders and Battle of Britain Fans that has long been tooling with converting Ju 88 A4 1:48 to Ju 88 A1
Revell will in december 2008 release its new Junkers model with two different Battle of britain schemes ( from two quite famous squadrons..KG 30 and KG 54 ) and also a third scheme ( the Ju 88 A1 werknumber0880119 U4+TK that took part in the invasion of norway in 1940 ) revell has used several months to get all the details from this original Ju 88 A1 under restoration in Norway into the model ) I really think this will be a great model and finally there is a A1 on the marked

Revell - Build your Dream: Junkers Ju88 A-1

i know it says november on the text for release but i have info first hand that it will not be until december due to the complexity of the aircraft


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Thanks agin, GF. I saw this a couple of weeks back on the Revell AG web-site, and on your excellent post about the actual aircraft. My local model shop didn't know about it until I told them yesterday, and are going to pre-order one for me as soon as it's announced officially.
I guess that with the JU and the Airfix 1/24th scale Mosquito, I'll need to knock a hole in the corner wall to accommodate them both!
it will be quite a size on that model.. :) i think models are best in 1:48 and 1:32.. whish they could bulid a B-17 in 1:32 :) that would be a nice size
Hi the local modelshop dident know about it ?
god to hear that he will order some..i think its actually possible to preorder them already and they will be shipped out as soon as they are in stock.
i have been promised a testmodel soon from revell and really looking forward to that..i have recived a test of the decals to approve them and its quite awsome.. it took me three days just to record and ship them all the little details regarding the decals..this is the first time a Ju 88 will be correct with all details regarding decals, even the small divenangles on the pilotvindow is present..and a lot more that has never been on a decalset regarding Ju 88 before as it was unknown until we salvaged the A1 in 2004..and also with the A5 we have recovered ( in 2000 ) the whole specter of how a Ju 88 was actually marked is now comming up on the marked with this model
There is an announcement in the recent "Modelarz" (A modeller) magazine and a pic of the model painted.Believing that info the model should be available here in Poland in November of this year.
they are quick..hehe :) i know revell was planning to make two more for publicing in different markings but they might not get it done in time before its released for sale

but i know for a fact ( spoke with the director of revell yesterday on the phone regarding the model ) and he said that they will not get it out before december..but they hope and will try hard to get it delivered in november
but the main molds for making the kit was shipped out just three days ago from revell.
the model seen so far is just one out of four testmodels
So it is possible the kit won't be selling in the November but the next one.For me it doesn't matter becuse of its scale but many others will be disappointed.
I'd love to have one in 1/32, but it's a tad too big for me...:lol: I hope to see some more '88's in 1/48 in future, more versions.....

Hur e laget i Norge nu for tiden?
lets hope they make it in november..but december is fine..then it will be laying under many ol` X-mas trees.. :)

laget i norge er bare bra det, her går det som vanlig..hehe
Must be fricking HUGE! You'll have to build an extension to your house! You've got to love the '88's...!

Sa det ar som vanligt i mitt gamla grannland, precis som i gamla svedala later det som....he he he!
just cut out a big square area in the tree and remove the branches..then it will fit.. :) i am sure we kids wont mind..the bigger the box the better... :)another question is the lady of the house and her thoughts.. lol
True mate! SWMBO is of course to be asked and hopefully give their permission...:lol:

I'm looking for the Dragon 1/48 C-6 Zerstorer myself to add to my collection of three so far...8)
and yes..i love the 88`s..i am building one in scale 1:1..
restoring is more correct word actually..hehe
to bad that will go in the museum..would rather have it in my backyard LOL

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