Bear attacks a fishy Cub

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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Damn thats amazing though to be honest from a structural stand point in the air I dont think I would want to fly in it. Thanks for the story Gary!!!
I've told this story a hundred times, but went to Anchorage, AK about 10yrs ago. Paid a visit to a DC-6 freight firm (you have to remember that AK aviation is an anachronism of old airplanes and super-modern avionics). I went into the "half cylinder" quansit hut, type hanger where they kept a DC-6 under maintenance. This looked like a quansit hut, but obviously MUCH bigger.

The wingspan of the DC-6 was too big for the hanger. So to solve the problem they just cut out 1.5ft divets into the hanger structural arches so it would fit.

As an engineer that made me REAL nervous.

Alaska truly is different world in modern western civilization. It really takes you back about 50yrs.
Yes it can do this! :lol:

That's how my dad gets my little brother to eat hehehe :evil4:


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