Following Iraq's bioweapons trail

Did Iraq still have WMD's?

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Fair enough. But that's why you went for war, not to remove Saddam Hussein. That's the reason why so few countries supported the war because it was based on wrong reasons: Iraq did not have a WMD capability.

These facts come from official UNSCOM and IAEA reports.

Not going there.

Civettone said:
I'm also disappointed Adler that you claim you've seen so much yet you don't know any details. You had me thinking those were still active WMDs but it could just as well have been degraded mustard gas. That my friend is no longer a WMD.

I claim nothing, I lie about nothing. I know what I have seen and what others have seen.

You call this lies and what people have seen as worth nothing? What have you done with your life? I dont believe a thing you say anymore either because it is just liberal bull...

Yeah now you have pissed me off. You chose your words. I had a lot of respect for you and actually rather enjoyed debating with you most of the time.

I have nothing further to say to you at all. You question my integrity (which is the one thing I think a man has besides his honor) and you are no longer worth talking to in my book. You have a good day. I am also disappointed in the fact that you think you fricken know everything when in reality you are... I will leave it at that.

Civettone said:
Also your claim of those atropine injectors means nothing. You base huge conclusions on things which could well have dated from the 80s when we all know Saddam had WMDs.

Even if they were, not the point, he was not supposed to have them.

Civettone said:
And you call me a liberal though you don't know a damn thing about my political stand or the party I vote for.


edit: fixed the quote, apology to Matt.

You show that to me in the fact that you dont know a damn thing about what is going on outside your safe little environment.

Good day Civettone. I have nothing further to say to you ever.
He did have them 1991 what he did with them or how far along they were in developement I don't know . There was some indication of him possessing them in 2003 but I've never seen concrete evidence . Atropine injectors are not WMD or an indication of possessing them but indicates they were prepared for any eventuality such as Iran

Never said it was an NBC. Read the fricken post. I was describing things that were at the site...
How to Win Friends and Influence People - The Dale Carnegie approach to establishing yourself in a forum. :sad3:
I said you were wrong and mistaking. I never called you a liar, never questioned your integrity.

It's true that I put words in your mouth when I think that's what you meant by other words. You do it too.

I also doubt you had much respect for me as you've ridiculized most of the stuff I said as if I know nothing but you do as you were in Iraq and I wasn't.

You have your opinion, I have mine. I don't see why you should get so upset over me disagreeing with yours.

Can't we all just get along. :lol:


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So Adler once you've stopped being pissed off ... you said Iraq had WMDs and this was mainly (but not solely) based on the sites you saw in Northern Iraq that contained mustard gas and atropine injectors. But as you don't know for sure if the gas was still active and that the injectors didn't date from pre-1991, why are you still so sure - as you obviously claimed you were - that Iraq had WMDs?

If you're out of this discussion, I understand. Choice is up to you. I'll be gone after this weekend anyhow, so ...
Is this even a discussion anymore, Civvy. You have stated your position (you don't believe Adler's observations are conclusive). Can't you find evidence to support your position? Your only means of discussion are demanding other thread participants to bring you another rock. No wonder you like the UN.
So Adler once you've stopped being pissed off ... you said Iraq had WMDs and this was mainly (but not solely) based on the sites you saw in Northern Iraq that contained mustard gas and atropine injectors. But as you don't know for sure if the gas was still active and that the injectors didn't date from pre-1991, why are you still so sure - as you obviously claimed you were - that Iraq had WMDs?

Yes I do believe that Iraq had WMDs for reasons stated by myself and others. And I am sure the truth will come out...

Civettone said:
If you're out of this discussion, I understand. Choice is up to you. I'll be gone after this weekend anyhow, so ...

Do you promise?

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