Mustang manuals

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Aug 21, 2006
Mustang III Pilots Notes

Enjoy Micdrow


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Thank you so very much for the P-51 manual! I live in Appleton, WI and noticed your location...where do you live? Thanks again!

Greenville! I use to work at the airport in Greenville at Maxair. Do work there by chance? What a small world! Check out my photos if you like in this thread:

Nice to meet you.


Hi Paul,

Acutually my name is also Paul. No I dont work for the airport but I do work for Plexus and I do go to the EAA airshow every year. I was hoping for some snow so I could go to the annual planes on skies. But dont think that will happen.

Paul (aka Micdrow)

Where is the planes on skis show, is that at Pioneer field at OSH?

Plexus huh? My brother in-law use to work there...Tim Weigen. I know a couple of other names there also but they are just friends of friends. That is a neat company and I hope they have continued success!

Thanks again for the effort in regards to the manuals and if there is something I can do to help, let me know. About the only thing I would have to offer is file hosting (rapidshare)....meaning I can store and distribute large files. Basically an unlimited amount:D

P-51D K Erection and Maintenance Manual, also covers British Mustang IV.

Enjoy Micdrow


  • P-51D Part 1.pdf
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  • P-51D Part 2.pdf
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  • P-51.JPG
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  • P-51D K fuel tank.pdf
    750.9 KB · Views: 2,215
This is where I will be transfering all the Mustang manuals so please read all the posts for the model you may be looking for.


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