Senior Master Sergeant
I've just polished off my third glass of red wine and continue to look at your last posting photographs in intoxicated awe. Wonderful photographs. The last one depicting the proposed finished product looks like something from the TV series 'THUNDERBIRDS'!. Certainly smaller than the Mirage 550. What an amazing collection of aircraft in a South American country influenced by fugitive? German designers.
I think that fugitive is not the right word, Those was people with little chances to work in his original country completely devastated by war.
Argentina was and is always being receptive to the Europeans who want to live and work here so no much difference with others.
You're doing your countries aviation history a valuable service.
Thanks I try my best.
Which brings me to the Horten brothers. One last request. As a junior member I don't know if the I.A 38 has been covered in this forum but I would appreciate any input you have on this aircraft. The only reference I have illustrating this peculiar and fascinating transport aircraft is a copy of 'Jane's Pocket Book 12-Research and Experimental Aircraft' (1976). It mentions that the project "was suspended in late 1960". Reasons?.apart from looking like a design straight out of Nazi Germany circa 1943-45. It would have fitted easily into Spielberg's 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'. Cheers, and thanks for the photos.
The IA-38 was a Horten desing indeed, it was a transport to carry cargo from the north eastern provinces of Argentina to the capital.

It suffered of a low priority material asignment ( the Kurt Tank working group always get more money) and lack of power (4 x 450 hp radials) so the performance were far of be impressive.

Powerplant: 4 x El gaucho 9 cilinders radials, 450 hp each coupled with two bladed variable pitch propellers.
Height:4,60 m
Wing surface: 133 m2
Empty weight: 8.500 kg
Payload: 7.500 Kg
Maximum take off weight: 16.000 kg
Max wing loading: 120 Kg/m2
Speed max: 352 km/h;
Crusing speed :255 Km/h;
Landing speed : 140 km/h
Range: 1.250 kilómeters.