
  1. JKim

    GB 28 Discussion

    The next GB is creeping up on us! GB 28-Night War of WWII, Allied or Axis. Anything related to night operations such as bombers, night fighter, pathfinders, espionage operations and intruders. Nov 1st- Sunday Mar 6th 2016 I'm curious to see what ya'll have up your sleeves for this one as...
  2. Shinpachi

    A Japanese Purchased a Zero in the U.S.

    Just a breaking news and I don't know details yet but - A Japanese entrepreneur Masahide Ishizuka 53 purchased a Zero (A6M3) in the U.S. and it arrived at Saitama City near Tokyo to be displayed on Nov 21. He says he is going to fly it in next year. View...