Murder off a line-referee

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Sep 19, 2006
During a football(soccer) match a 41 year old line referee was beaten and kicked in the head by some of the players this weekend. He was just the father of one of the other players on the field who happened to volunteer for the job as referee. According to the news, the players beat him, he ran away and three of the players chased him and beat him again. He was brought to the hospital where he died :( The suspects are 15 and 16 years old.

What kind of world are we living in?
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WTF is wrong with kids these days? Where did this happen? Why did the other players not do anything to stop this? What were the onlookers doing?

Terrible! Absolutely disturbing what this world is coming to. Unfortunately these "kids" will get away with murder basically because they are "children". Bullshit! They are old enough to know right from wrong.
All amateur soccer games have been cancelled this weekend here and all profs will be playi g with a black band around the arm to show respect for the deceased and his family. I also heard that in Belgium and Germany many teams will have a minute of silence to remember the death. It's also meant to show that this kind of agression is becoming the norm in soccer and it will not be tollerated.
The troublesome part of the story is....
they were Players.... Not parents who usually are the problem on the field.
Sad commentary of the attitudes of people in general.

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