Dogfights Series Returns To History Television

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Nov 21, 2009
For those who may have missed the previous airing of the outstanding Dogfights series it is returning to History Television Sunday night @ 8pm.

Episode 1; World War I saw the birth of a new type of combat: the dogfight. Aces from almost every nation take canvas and wire bi-planes into battle and pioneer new tactics. German ace Ernst Udet goes 1 v. 1 with Georges Guynemer. Werner Voss takes on an entire squadron of British aces...and American ace Arthur Raymond Brooks finds himself in the dogfight of his life. State-of-the-art computer graphics, first-hand accounts, rare archival footage and original shooting will help to make the viewer feel like they're in the battle, facing the enemy.

First Dogfighters - Dogfights - History Television
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There are also several superbly done episodes upcoming on WW2 dogfights as well as Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf war.

Dogfights is a 5 star series for sure.
I think it's a re-run of the series they're already had out there. In other words, this isn't new episodes, more of the older ones.

It was a great series but History Channel is taking a turn to the left. Especially with the new series "The People Speak". Unfortunately, it's sub caliber. But then again, any time Hollywood gets involved in History, you're bound to have a questionable result.


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