After years in obscurity, Medal of Honor recipient to be reburied in San Diego

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
I saw this today in the LA Times

After years in obscurity, Medal of Honor recipient to be reburied in San Diego, with military honors - LA Times

"After a near century in obscurity and lack of recognition, the remains of a Medal of Honor recipient will be transferred next week to a place of honor at the Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego.

The ceremony for the reburial of Sgt. Charles Schroeter, set for Thursday, will include an Army band, color guard, 30 soldiers in dress-uniform from Ft. Irwin in San Bernardino County, and Civil War reenactors.

Also, a lieutenant colonel and sergeant major will attend from Ft. Hood, Texas, home to the Army's 1st Cavalry Division."

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