Boeing B-17F-BO Flying Fortress

Boeing B-17F-BO Flying Fortress

Shown here are fourteen B-17F-BO Flying Fortresses awaiting attention at the Douglas Modification Centre at Tulsa. They are: Rear row, left to right41-24614 - 'We The People' - 305 BG (tail just visible)41-24611 - 'Boomerang' - 305 BG41-24623 - 305 BG 41-24615 - 'Target For Tonite' - 305 BGCentre Row41-24612 - 'Werewolf' - 303 BG41-24605 - 'Knock Out Dropper' - 303 BG41-24623 - 303 BG41-24608 - 303 BGFront Row41-24612 - 303 bg41-24616 - 305 BG41-24619 - 'S For Sugar' - 303 BG41-24620 - 'Snap Crackle Pop' - 303 BG41-24609 - 303 BG41-24610 - 'Joe BTFSPLK' - 303 BG.Behind the hangar at top left is the tail of 42-2971, the eighth B-17F to be built by Douglas.
Sorry but some of your facts are a little off. A minor correction on the bombers.

Rear Row
41-24614 SNAFU 422nd BS, 305 BG Than later named "We the People" and transferred to the 422nd BS Than later went home and renamed again "Betty CEntral 0419"
41-24611-Boomerang 422nd BS, 305th BG
41-24623-(researching) 365th BS, 305th BG

Center Row
41-24606-Werewolf 358th BS, 303rd BG
41-24605-Knock Out Dropper 359th BS, 303rd BG
41-24607-Jerry Jinx 427th BS, 303rd BG
41-24608-Yehudi 359th BS, 303rd BG

First Row
41-24612-The Devil Himself 427th BS, 303rd BG
41-24616-Sam's little Helper 359th BS, 303rd BG
41-24619-(No name) 427th BS, 303rd BG (Capt. Hagenbuch called her "good ole 619", But was known as "S is for Sugar")
41-24620-Snap! Crackle! Pop! 360th BS, 303rd BG
41-24609-Holy Mackerel 359th BS, 303rd BG
41-24610-Joe Btfsplk II 427th BS, 303rd BG

If you ever wondered the picture was taken in August of 1944

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