

Crew: 10
Length: 26.70 m
Wingspan: 45.43 m
Height: 5.51 m
Loaded weight: 17,140 kg
Maximum takeoff: 32,140 kg
Engine: 04 turboprop 14-cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-1830-11 has 850 horses each thrust.
Speed: 322 km / h
Altitude: 5760 m
Range: 8260 km
Fire: age 03 to 30 (7.62 mm) and age 03 to 50 (12.7 mm); 5400 kg bombs.
First flight: 15/10/1937
Number produced: 01 prototypes.
National use: the United States.
Planes compare: Martin XB-16, Douglas XB-19 (USA).
{ppcode}In the '50's growing up my friends father (who flew P-38 (F-5?) and B-25 recon) had a blister similar to this. He said it was from a Catalina but I remember it being more solid, half egg shaped, with a framed half like the one you show. After all these years I don't know if it was from a Catalina after all, as I've never seen one of their blisters with a solid interior.
Would you know what aircraft it may have come from?

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