Avro Tutor

Avro Tutor

Prior to 1939 the Tutor had superseded the 504N at the RAF College, Cranwell, and at No.5 FTS (Flying Training School), Sealand. It also superseded Tiger Moths at No.3 FTS, at Grantham, and thereafter became standard equipment at all Flying Training Schools and with the UAS (University Air Squadrons). After 1939 aircraft of this type were mainly used as communication aircraft with Station Flights and with Auxiliary Ai Force units.
Would you happen to know what Aircraft were used at no 10 Flying Training School at RAF Tern Hill Shropshire during 1940. The pilot I am researching has just 'come off 'Tiger Moth's' at No. 1 EFTS at RAF Hatfield around May 1940. ?

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