

The wreckage of "Beautiful Betsy" was not discovered until 49 years later on 2 August 1994, when park ranger, Mark Roe, was checking the results of a controlled burn-off in the Kroombit Tops National Park, about 80kms from Gladstone. Standing on an escarpment, he saw something glinting in the sunlight about 800 metres north of his location. He found the wreckage of "Beautiful Betsy" which had crashed on the side of an unnamed hillside.
Those killed were:-

1st Lieutenant William Emmett McDaniel - pilot
2nd Lieutenant Eugene A. Kilcheski,
2nd Lieutenant Hilary E. Routt
Lieutenant Raymond L. Owen
Technical Sergeant Raymond L. Tucker
Technical Sergeant Harold J. Lemons.

Flight Lieutenant Thomas John Donald Cook - British Spitfire pilot
Flying Officer Roy Albert Arthur Cannon British Spitfire pilot

The following items were found in the wreckage:-

Dental Prosthesis (bridge)
153 Bone fragments
Personal effects/material evidence
9 Dog tags
2 Bracelets
38 Coins
4 Gold rings
1 Aviator's ring
Flare gun with flare
Aviator badge
Bomber Badge
2 Dress Uniform belt buckles
9 Expended .45 cal rounds
2 British buttons
12 American buttons
Cigarette lighter
3 Eyeglass frames
Pocket watch
1938 Class ring

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