

At least four different designs were considered, this is the 15 cm Gerät 50 with on mount autoloader refilled manually in-between bursts, of the others less is known as they were later and didn't get as far. With a weapon like this a totally fixed position makes a bit of sense, for 128mm, you could still tow that if you wanted in two pieces and railroad cars provided ample mobility for defending industrial centers. Certainly more mobility than a gun on a tower! The 15cm guns weighed more than Panzer IV tanks and could never have been more than 're-locatable'.

15 cm Flak Gerät 50
15 cm Flak Gerät 55
15 cm Flak Gerät 60
15 cm Flak Gerät 60F

German title: Gerät 50
Calibre: 149.1 mm
Barrel length: 7753 (L/52)
Rifled barrel length: 6113 mm
Shipping Weight: 44,600 kg (shipment in 4 parts)
Weight own weapons (without chassis): 32 000 kg
Bearing: -1 ° 30 '+90 °
Traverse: 360 °
Muzzle velocity: 890 m / s
Missile Weight: 40 kg
Range: 16,300 m (height)
Rate of fire: 10 rounds per minute
Manufacturer: Krupp AG, Essen

The design was commissioned as a backup project Rheinmetall (Gerät 55) in 1936. Work was halted in January 1940.
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