Sea Eagle by J.S. Baillie

Depicted here is the attack on the Italian U-boat Luigi Torricelli, Commanded by Tenente di Vascello Augusto Migliorini, based at Bordeaux, carried out by Wellington G.R.Mk.VIII (ES986) flown by Sqd. Ldr. Jeaffreson H. Greswell, of No.172 Sqd, based at Chivenor, North Devon, 4 June 1942, whilst hunting off the north coast of Spain. The submarine was suddenly lit up and then badly damaged by four depth-charges. The submarine ran aground near Cape Penas, Spain but was eventually freed. It was damaged further on 7 june by Sunderlands in a daylight attack. After beaching at Santander, Spain, it underwent temporary repairs and returned on the surface to Bordeaux on 14 June, escorted by relays of German aircraft.
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