

esignation D-UHAH later D-OVIE
Crew: pilot and bombardier / radio operator

Overall dimensions:

Wingspan: 15.0 m
Length: 11.8 m
Height: 3.1 m
Wing area: 37.7 m ²
Specific load
on the wing: 86.8 kg / m ²
for power 3.42 kg / hp.


Empty Weight: 2483 kg
Weight of the equipment: 175 kg
Weight: 2658 kg
crew weight: 180 kg
Fuel weight: 370 kg
Weight of oil: 30 kg
Weight rounds of machine gun: 60 kg (32 kg with a crew 1chel.)
Weight bomb load : 250 kg (500 kg with a crew of one person.)
Flying Weight: 3775 kg 3870 with a crew of one person.

Armament: Opytny sample (D-UHAH) weapons had. The sample, taken as a reference for (D-OVIE), had one MG-15 machine gun in the cockpit scorer c ammunition 500 rounds. ETC 500 bomb racks for hanging bombs weighing up to 500 kg.


Daimler-Benz DB-600 C with serial number 1023 GM
gearbox with gear ratio 1.55 / 1
Home Power at 2400 r / min 880 hp
rated power at 2250 rev / min at sea level: 770 hp
rated Power at 2300 r / min at 4,000 meters: 880 hp
Fuel consumption: 235 g / hp. × h

The propeller company Schwarz three-bladed controllable pitch diameter is 3.3 meters


The maximum speed (Vmax):

at sea level, 330 km / h
at an altitude of 4000 meters 395 km / h
at an altitude of 6000 meters 380 km / h
Cruising speed (V r):

at sea level, 275 km / h
at an altitude of 4000 meters 325 km / h
at an altitude of 6000 meters of 305 km / h
Landing speed: 115 km / h.

Range at V max:

at sea level, 750 km
at an altitude of 4000 meters 800 km
at an altitude of 6,000 meters 1,000 km
Range at V r (capacity reduced 38.6%):

at sea level, 1,200 km
at 4,000 meters 1,250 km
at an altitude of 6,000 meters 1,450 km
The optimum range for V max at 6000 meters: 1000 km
optimal range for V r at 6000 meters: 1450 km
optimal range: 1,650 km

Take-off run: 300 m
Run after landing: 280 m

Time to climb:

1000 meters of 3.3 min.
2000 meters of 6.5 minutes.
4000 m 13.2 min.
Service ceiling: 8500 m

Takeoff run at start: 300 m

Takeoff after starting to climb 15 meters: 460 m
path length when landing from a height of 15 meters: 420 m

Speed ​​at sea level Sea fluctuated around 3%
climb ranged between 10%

Source: "Sturzkampfflugzeug Heinkel He 118 (Heinkel-Projekt 1030)" LUFTFAHRT international 17

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