Manufacturer: Consolidated-Vultee (Convair)
Engine: Pratt & Whitney XR-4360-9: 3,000 hp takeoff, 2,400 hp at 13,500 feet
Top Speed: 353 MPH at 15,500 feet
Cruising Speed: 270 MPH
Landing Speed: 74 MPH
Climb Rate: xxxxxx (check book)
Service Ceiling: 27,000 feet
Range: 950 miles with 3,000 lbs of bombs
Wingspan: 54 feet
Wing Area: 540 square feet
Length: 48 feet, 8 inches
Height: 14 feet, 6 inches
Empty Weight: 13,400 lbs
Gross Weight: 18,800 lbs
Maximum Weight: 23,260 lbs
Fuel: 350 to 445 gallons (1,140 gallons in ferry mode)
4 x 37mm cannon (Wings; 50 rpg)
6 x .50 caliber MGs (Wings; 600 rpg)
Internal Bomb Bay capable of carrying 3,000 lbs
Could carry:
1 x Torpedo
4 x 1,600 lb bombs
Extra fuel tanks.
Notes: Began as the Vultee 90 in September 1942, ordered by the USAF on November 10, 1942, and first flew February 11, 1944. Single plane built