Recent content by Aardvark111

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    Iron Sky the movie ( aka return of the furher? )

    : LOL: Yes guys, After in 2018 the mankind will finish with nazis from the moon, it is waited still by battles with communists with Mars in 2021:twisted:: View: As you can see on a trailer "Iron Sky" already and a parody have made, and three...
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    The Russian Special Forces

    Yes but what this relation has with special troops? Special troops it all the same military divisions of regular army operating during war. And murders in 1930, 1940 1950 years were carried out by employees of special departments of Intelligence, and frequently it there were individually...
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    The Russian Special Forces

    All text in link Russian! Google-translator in help! First of all that in Russia understand as special forces: Подразделение специального назначения — Википедия From the description of Russian forces of a special purpose follows that their...
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    Korean Airwar Book Recommendations?

    Russian view on Korean Air War. If you read Russian may by this: Text on Russian This book Evgenii Pepelyaev."MiG's vs Sabre" Top Russian ace.23 aircraft shot down in Korean Air War. Hero Soviet Union...