Recent content by ace1rush

  1. A

    Ki-21 Color and Camo Dec 1941 Rangoon

    Hi Windswords, Thanks for the reply! Your picture of the Ki-21-IIa from the the 12th Sentai is what I was looking for. It is similar to another I saw from the Christmas day raids. Your Facebook links have a lot of interesting information! I've seen most of the other pictures you posted on...
  2. A

    Ki-21 Color and Camo Dec 1941 Rangoon

    Greetings, Looking for information on the markings of the Ki-21 Sally's of the 12th Sentai, 60th Sentai, 62nd Sentai and 98th Sentai in late 1941 in the CBI area fighting against the AVG and RAF. Particularity Rangoon during the Christmas fighting. There is a painting showing a camo pattern...