Recent content by Baxter

  1. B

    The airplane that did the most to turn the tide of the war.

    I think it might have been the IL-2 Sturmovik. That plane hammered holes in the German lines through which the T34's poured westwards.
  2. B

    The Weather Where You Live?

    At 4pm it is 47c outside. 116f a bit too warm for joggjng.
  3. B

    BOB film

    Anyone seen Hurricane yet? It is like a remake of Dark Blue World but the action is better than Dunkirk I think.
  4. B

    The Weather Where You Live?

    Nice 39c or 103f here with 44c or 110f forecast for Thursday.
  5. B

    What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

    Battlestar Galactica. Watched the mini series then series 1-4. Finished it today and thorougly enjoyed it. My new Battlestar Galactica game from Ares is in transit to my house. The game has good reviews. Looking forward to Viper vs Cylon Raider battles.
  6. B

    New member

    Thank you. I called myself Baxter on forums long before he died back in October. He lived till he was 12 so we got to enjoy his company for quite a while. We have a new one now named Boston. Also a Border Collie he is nearly 5 months old, smooth haired with pointy ears (different from Baxter)...
  7. B

    New member

    Seasons greetings to all. My name is Gary, my forum name is Baxter after my recently deceased Border Collie. Pleased to be a member of this forum.
  8. B

    Pilots and Pets

    I wonder about that Guy Gibson dog's name and whether there will be a remake of Dam Busters. There have been several unacceptable names in the past that have become acceptable now. For example I have seen personal number plates with Sambo on them. That would have been unthinkable when I was...