Recent content by buffnut453

  1. buffnut453

    "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

    This just about says all we need to know about Russia's treatment of people who go to fight on Putin's behalf:
  2. buffnut453

    "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

    Reported by the BBC, too:
  3. buffnut453

    Boeing Names Independent Quality Review Leader

  4. buffnut453

    Boeing Names Independent Quality Review Leader

    Yeah...I'm still astounded at the number of people who complain about inflation but yet want inflation-busting pay increases. If it costs more to make something, then those costs have to be passed on to the public. In this case, it'll cost Boeing a LOT more to build commercial airliners which...
  5. buffnut453

    17 Squadron markings for BoB

    It's a bit trickier to see it on YB-C but I think I can see a similar demarkation, particularly the outboard section of the port wing where it's less scuffed and the camouflage is easier to discern.
  6. buffnut453

    Boeing Names Independent Quality Review Leader

    Actually, it's the workers who are demanding more money. The union negotiated a deal that included a 25% pay rise but the union membership voted not to accept the deal and to go on strike. There's not only a breakdown in trust between management and union leadership. There's a similar...
  7. buffnut453

    17 Squadron markings for BoB

    The leading edge of YB-V in that first photo looks unusual. Seems like they oversprayed the underside Sky colour to form a wavy demarkation line between it and the upper-surface Dark Green and Dark Earth. Hadn't noticed that before.
  8. buffnut453

    "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

    It rather depends on the RCS of the drones. Small, mostly-plastic, drones probably don't have a large RCS and may be harder to track than a traditional combat aircraft. There's also the cost ratio challenge (something that the West is wrestling with, too). Do you shoot your multi-million...
  9. buffnut453

    If It Can Fly, It Can Float!!!

    What an awesome photo!!! Many thanks for sharing.
  10. buffnut453

    Quotes and Jokes

    A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring at her. He replies, 'I have a question to ask but I don't want to offend you.' She answers, 'My son, you cannot offend me.. When you're as...
  11. buffnut453

    The Zero's Maneuverability

    I think that his point is that lack of armour DID put pilots at risk but had other consequences on agility at high speeds. I had to read the post a few times to grok the point being made.
  12. buffnut453

    "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

    Not true. Most European nations haven’t even tried electronic voting. You can’t do away with something that was never fielded. Some nations undertook extensive trials but decided not to go ahead due to risks…but that’s not the same as withdrawing them. See here for a global summary...
  13. buffnut453

    Quotes and Jokes

  14. buffnut453

    "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

    Here's one brave young Russian who's clearly unimpressed with her country's leadership. It must take real guts to speak to a foreign news agency in such damning terms. Then again, given the unspeakable suffering imposed on her Grandmother, she has every right to be angry beyond measure. It's...
  15. buffnut453

    Most Unattractive Aircraft of WW2

    This comment led me to a piece of aviation history of which I was unaware. The Allies were planning a night bombing raid on Berlin towards the end of 1918. The new Handley Page V1500 “strategic” bomber was selected for the mission. It was tasked and aircraft were actually taxying out to take...