Recent content by cactus42

  1. C

    Mustang crashes into crowd at Reno

    So the question arises in the wake of the crash: are these old warplanes too old to be trusted to perform safely anymore....especially at spectator events? It depresses me to think about it, but I'm equally saddened by the needless loss of an historic aircraft. Is it simply the cost of keeping...
  2. C

    Emergency Water Injection

    Thanks Owen. WEP or "War Emergency Power" setting was the description of this capability, right? I'm amazed that pilots would have the presence of mind to use it or even remember it under such extreme battle conditions...but what do I know. I'm separated from their experiences by half a century...
  3. C

    Emergency Water Injection

    I've read a few stories about the Pacific War (My favorite theatre) and I noticed the pilots' accounts of flying air-cooled carrier planes during moments of heated combat pursuit (or escape) would mention mashing the throttle all the way forward and enabling water-injection, which seemed to be...
  4. C


    How in the h-eck did a US pacific theatre fighter aircraft end up with NAZI markings in a Scandanavian nation's AF?:pale:
  5. C

    RAAF Beaufighter Photos

    Thanks Heinz, you're too modest...thanks again for posting the pics. Museum setting I gather. I've always liked the Beaufighter after reading a great tale called 'Night Fighter' by J.R.D. "Bob" Braham. Ironically, those recountings of war contain great stories but little to no information on the...
  6. C

    RAAF Beaufighter Photos

    Good shots. Fellow posters...please take note. All on this forum are not as educated as you might hope. Give us some context: Where were these taken/ What aircraft (I know it's a Beau, but more data would be nice) / what setting / who are you / what do you know about this machine / any...
  7. C

    Weapons firing selectivity

    Reading an excerpt from another random post, I was wondering if US/Allied /or Axis aircraft (single-seat fighters mainly) allowed their pilot the ability to select a particular amount of weapons he was using? For example, could a pilot use only four out of eight .50 cal guns; could he select the...
  8. C

    Downed Plane in Paris - ID Help Needed

    My novice status notwithstanding, a question for the linguistically talented out there: / / / / Can anyone give me a hint as to how this word is pronounced in French? (sound it Deh-wah-tahn...?) --is that close? Cactus