Recent content by Cheap Labour

  1. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    Kenley? Or was in Bunker Hill?
  2. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    Hah. Numbers prove it. Hurricanes show down more, but if it were a better aircraft it would have show down at LEAST an even proportion to it's numbers. They should have show down 3 times as many Germans as the Spitfires.
  3. C

    The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

    Anyone ever read Derek Robinson's book Piece of Cake? This guy sort of reminds me of Flash Gordon and a bit of Moggie Cattermole.
  4. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    You're kidding - right? If a country is designing tanks that can be destroyed with a wash of .303 then they need to redesign the thing - or stop making them out of wood. You know the Hurricane was designed as the RAF's first monoplane fighter? Keyword: Fighter? It's a shame Hurricane...
  5. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    I think you mean the highest CLAIMING fighter of the war. Everyone knows the deal with RAF claims. "So I hopped over the 109s with ease, and shot down the whole foramtion of Heinkels! Must have been 100 of them! One pass of course, old boy."
  6. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    And sometimes more than that. Catching fire, shedding a wing and blowing up, for instance, is something that probably no pilot ever asked of his Hurricane, and yet....
  7. C

    Aircraft Identification Thread I

    Seems to me that a moving tail like that would be a liability for damage. Imagine having to land your plane on its rudder.
  8. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    Incorrect. I seem to recall the Germans being very meticulous in their claims. Luftwaffe records show their claims being much closer to actual numbers than RAF records. Between August 11 and August 24, Fighter Command claimed to have shot down 636 Enemy A/C. A mere 113 of those were seen to...
  9. C

    Bombers defensive armament: a misconceived idea?

    For future reference for you: Schweinfurt
  10. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    To which there was a forever ongoing battle, with the Flak gunners saying they were more effective and that the fighters needed to stay away in flak zones, then the pilots saying that THEY were more effective and then flak needed to stop whenever fighters were around. "just look at how many more...
  11. C

    Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

    The Spitfire had a higher top speed and I'd trust it more in a turning fight than that cow of a fighter the Hurricane. And as we well know, a concentrated gun platform didn't matter for turds during the BoB because your average RAF fighter pilot was such a lousy shot that the spray effect of the...
  12. C

    Best Bomber of ww2

    I was reading the memoirs of a B-24 pilot and he said that once you lost an engine in a B-24, everyone had better get their bail-out kit in gear because if you lost another one you were going down. Not so with a '17.
  13. C

    Best possible fighter

    That doesn't mean it could fly a ring around a P-38.
  14. C

    Best possible fighter

    And a B-17 has FOUR engines and it couldn't fly a ring around my house. Put less stock in powerplant, and more in airframe.
  15. C

    Bombers defensive armament: a misconceived idea?

    Yeah, great stuff BombTaxi. Even without installing a turret, you'd think that a pair of ventral MGs would have done the job.