Recent content by Clipper79

  1. C


    Yes, Im sorry, you are correct I am a new member to this forum. I did look back, just not far enough I guess. Wow 25 pages..I guess so. Clipper
  2. C


    I was just reading a review of the book Dresden by Frederick Taylor. Has anyone read this book and if so what did you think? According to the review of the book there is a certain mythology has grown around the destruction of Dresden. I myself never realized or gave it much thought that it...
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    The Bloody 100th

    Anyone familiar with the legend of this bomb group? It was the plane of Captain R. Knox that initiated the infamous legend of the "Bloody 100th." Knox found himself in serious trouble after one of the fighter attacks. For a time his plane lagged with one engine out and, practically a...
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    Italian Bombers

    Why did the Italians go with the Tri-motor set up when most country's went either with a two or four engine set up. Was it that their engines just didn't have the HP? A B25 would look odd with an extra motor though. BTW, Hello I'm new to this forum. My name is Clipper79 from the beautiful...