Recent content by DanMorris

  1. D


    Wow thanks for the info sorry I'm not a plane bod as you can probably tell though I find all you guys' knowledge very interesting and amazing and I can't thank you all enough
  2. D


    That's the fella you can see the circular antennae that's its both pictures
  3. D


    Does this mean its highly likely he was with 120sqn? I know he was at Boscombe Down as well as 120sqn who operated some of these. Is the plane in the background the same?
  4. D


    Thank you chaps :-) much appreciated
  5. D


    I did think the same but the position on the gun turret confused me slightly
  6. D


    Dear All, Here is an old picture of my grandad standing on the wing of a Bomber in the desert during the African Campaign. Anyone know what plane it is and which squadrons operated these in Africa during WW2? Cheers, DanMorris
  7. D

    Name the plane please help

    Thanks very much the photo has been in the family 70 years and its only now that I've found out what it is many thanks
  8. D

    Name the plane please help

    My grandad is on the right, He was an Electrician in the RAF in WW2 But what is the plane he is standing next to? Please help Cheers, Dan