Recent content by General Jefferson

  1. G

    Hearts of Iron II

    Thank you, sir. I'll check it out when I get home (firewall issue).
  2. G

    Hearts of Iron II

    I've avoided playing one of the "bigs" due to the massive amount of information to keep up with. So far I've tried South Africa (quit by 1940 due to inactivity), Saudi Arabia (quit by 1940 due to poorly industrialized country that couldn't do squat), and I am currently playing China (great...
  3. G

    Hearts of Iron II

    Hey, anybody still hooking up with this game? I just started playing a month ago, and it's awesome, but it appears that this thread is rather old. If anyone knows, I read something about a patch file that allows the game to advance beyond the 1947 cutoff date. I'm not sure if this was in...