Recent content by gliding

  1. G

    Why was the BF109 so slow compared with the P51?

    I think I did not express myself correctly. The P-51 was a wonderful aircraft and also superior to the Bf-109. No doubt. It is also a great airplane for me. But in my view, it's not fair to compare a development started > 5 years earlier. The order for a fighter-development received...
  2. G

    Why was the BF109 so slow compared with the P51?

    My post was a comment on #19. The engine technology (performance) would certainly have led to similar results for the Germans, if the same materials (fuel, metals, ..) would have been available. A comparison of Bf 109 to P-51 is in my view without sense. The Bf 109 was developed when biplanes...
  3. G

    Why was the BF109 so slow compared with the P51?

    The comparison of fuels and their knock resistance is not possible over "the" octane number. Then and now different methods of measurement are used. For the comparison, one needs a test engine, which is operated with Isooctane. Depending on this test engine, there are different "octane"...
  4. G

    german motor starter

    My knowledge was that all engines (with large cubic capacity) were fitted with a "Schwungkraftanlasser". If there was enough space, there was an electric motor mounted at the starter. e.g. in the Bf109, there was no space.
  5. G

    Bf 109 F (G): Engine cowling

    Thank you very much for response. I know this drawing and there are a few interesting details on it. But the position an the dimensions of the "groove" dont match exactly to pictures and other drawings... :?:
  6. G

    Bf 109 F (G): Engine cowling

    Hi all, does anyone have informations about the Bf109F gun-groove on the top of the motor (the area beginning at the muzzle of MG17)? I'm especially searching for original profiles or dimensions. Any informations are very welcome. Thanks kj
  7. G

    Helicopter Fa223

    Thank you. Of course I already looked in internet and found a high number of related sites (including the link above). The contents are of very different quality. But it is nowhere mentioned where the helicopter has remained, wich is brought to USA...
  8. G

    Helicopter Fa223

    Hello, while searching informations about the Focke-Achgelis Fa223 I read about one machine wich was captured by the Army and shiped zu USA. Does anyone know about? Is it possible that this helicopter is stored in a archiv? ..or parts of it? I'm interessted on any informations about...