Recent content by Gman

  1. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Hi Ivan1GFP Guess that it is my turn to appologise for taking so long to respond. I read your response some time ago, but the rigors of life left me with little time to get back with you. Let me start out by also appologising to you if I gave you the impression that I was criticising...
  2. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Hi Ivan1GFP I suppose that if you are comfortable with your method, then by all means go with it; however, you might want to consider the flaw in that logic. Though it may work with aircraft and drop tanks in some instances (probably through lucky coincidence), you will probably be better off...
  3. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Hello again, Ivan1GFP *sigh* Looks like this is getting more complicated than I had expected. You see, I never intended on offering a full blown tutorial due to space limitations and the matter of whether this is the proper forum for this. But let's take a look at some of your points and...
  4. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Hi Ivan1GFP, I've poured some thought into your response. Perhaps Shinpach-San and I are pretty much in synch on some issues about CG locations. But we diverge in the proper way to determine the 25% MAC. I have looked into your issue with the way to determine CG locations- and to some...
  5. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Okay, I found a copy of the book that I mentioned above. I will not give specific info on the title, etc. in order to minimize any potential problems. Suffice to say that it was written for flying model aircraft; however, I have found it highly accurate when applied to full scale. Some...
  6. Gman

    G4m Japanese Navigators Compass?

    I have to agree with Shinpachi; the top photo indeed appears to be a Type 2, Model 2 compass. This type was apparently used on the IJA KI-43 "Oscar" (among others). I am quite sure that it was also used on numerous Naval aircraft as well; however, the circled star on the data plate indicates...
  7. Gman

    Need Ki84 HAYATE's data!

    Howdy, Ivan1GFP. You know, I used to have a book about the very subject of Wing Area, CG, MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord), etc. Unfortunately, I loaned that book out to a "friend" some years ago, and never got it back. The small things that I do recall is that the CG is a calculation that is...
  8. Gman

    Japanese Type 96 radio

    Here is an actual photo of the Type 96 radio diagram posted by Micdrow. Source: "Schiffers Military History- Japanese Aircraft Equipment 1940-1945", p.83, ISBN 0-7643-2097-1.
  9. Gman

    Japanese Piston Engines

    I laud your knowledge of Japanese aero engines, kool kitty89. The KI-10 "Perry" predates my interest in Japanese WWII aviation (as do the others that you have mentioned). Research can be such a huge pain, sometimes. I often have to try several different tacks to get what often turns out to be a...
  10. Gman

    Japanese Piston Engines

    All that I can tell you is that there were no "indigenous" Japanese liquid cooled inline engines to the best of my (limited) knowledge of the subject. Radial engines were generally viewed by the Japanese as reliable for ocean expanses and the elements for which the aircraft was expected to...
  11. Gman

    Japanese Piston Engines

    Not to mention Yokosuka in its D4Y dive bomber. Japanese aviation has been an interest of mine for almost 30 years. Unfortunately, Japanese aero engines have never really held my interest beyond very basic information and are not my forte. However, my understanding is that the KI-60/ 61 and D4Y...
  12. Gman

    Japanese Type 96 radio

    Indeed, they did! The thing was that their radio systems were so fragile compared to other countries (and spare parts so hard to come by) that many pilots preferred to have them removed to save weight, rather than carry a non-working (and thus, useless) piece of equipment. Most Japanese pilots...
  13. Gman

    Japanese Air Raids on Australia

    Here is some recommended reading on the subject from Wydawnictwo Publications (Polish, I believe- but with English subtitles).
  14. Gman

    German torpedo's

    The Japanese actually pioneered the use of anti-roll flippers with their Type 91 aerial torpedo starting with the Mod 2, and was used on all subsequent Mods thereafter. This innovative feature required an extra gyro to stabilize it, and was in fact used in the Pearl Harbor attack. One was...
  15. Gman

    Can someone make me a signature

    I saw this thread while looking into the "How To" for posting one myself, and thought that I might throw in my own simple two cents worth. I think that Germany and gothic script go hand in hand, don't you? You have probably made your decision by now, I am sure. Anyway, here is my own simple no...