Recent content by GrapeJam

  1. G

    F4U Corsair vs P-51 Mustang

    The Corsair wasn't "close" to the P51 in maneuverability at all, it actually outclassed the P51 in maneuverability at all speed, in all aspects, still, contemporaries Mustang outclassed the Corsair in speed, climb and endurance.
  2. G

    Aviation myths that will not die

    Yeah, I feel ya mate, I got sick of debunking this myth over and over again whenever I see it pop up too.
  3. G

    Aviation myths that will not die

    The slats on the 109 allowed it to outturn Spitfire at low speed.
  4. G

    improving the 109??

    Thank you, If only my shooting in flight sims can be called "well aimed" :(
  5. G

    improving the 109??

    You know, I'd really like the 109 if it didn't have the highest amount of idiotic fanboys.
  6. G

    improving the 109??

    Heh, if he's an actual competent sim flyer he'd know that in aerial combat, using proper tactics, high speed fighters with good high speed maneuverability like the 190, Mustang kick the crap out of the 109.
  7. G

    improving the 109??

    If you're only looking at the top 3 it's because they were all JG52 members, and the sole reason was because JG52 was equipped with exclusively BF109s simply for the fact that there weren't enough 190s on the eastern front, even the premier 190 fighter group on the eastern front , JG54 was...
  8. G

    improving the 109??

    Every suggestion so far seem to be all about improving performance without touching the 109's biggest weakness in the late war period where high speed combat was the normal : extremely heavy stick force at high speed, the 109 wasn't lacking in performance compared to it's opponents, what it...
  9. G

    The German arrow!

    One has to question Cloistermann's account, seeing as according to performance charts, at SL, the Tempest was far faster than the Do 335. The Do 335 while had very impressive speed at high altitude, was only mediocre to lack lustre at medium and low altitude. And as an interceptor it was...
  10. G

    P-51's vs. Me-109's and Fw-190's

    When one says "agility", one also must ask "at what speed". Surely at low speed the 109 could easily outperform low boost P51D in sustained maneuvers, but most combat occured at high speed where the 109 had very heavy control force and thus it's maneuverability at high speed was severely...