GregP's latest activity

  • GregP
    Mistakes were made. Errors in judgment were made. Lives were lost. There really was a core cadre that believed the bomber (B-17) would...
  • GregP
    Not too sure anything about this question happened "in the fog of war," since the decisions were made an ocean away by people who hadn't...
  • GregP
    I heard that and look forward to his response. Watching the debate made me think that both people were somehow right, but the basic...
  • GregP
    One of the difficult things about arguing with you, Bill, is that you generally cite references for your assertions that back up what...
  • GregP
    The post reads like it, Wayne, but I take your point. A Spitfire 21 (and a Spitfire 24) is one of my favorite airplanes. Cheers.
  • GregP
    There wasn't a Spitfire that could get to 1300 km/h in any configuration that was still in one piece. The max safe speed ever reached...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    Big Bang was a good series for comedy with occasional decent humor about physics and math. My favorite character is Penny ... but all...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    Doesn't matter what power setting; at max power, there is some sustainable climb rate. Any climb rate more than the max sustainable...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Most Beautiful Aircraft of WW2?.
    That MiG is flying behind a Joe Yancey Allison V-1710. Nice airplane.
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    Should be easy. My try might be: It is any climb rate higher than a sustainable climb rate. If you are climbing better than you really...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    It's kind of like herding cats, huh? Not simple to get any two to agree, much less 3 or more.
  • GregP
    GregP reacted to Greg Boeser's post in the thread Zoom Climb with
    I remember watching a guy out in the country one summer day in a light plane doing exactly that, over and over. He would pull up til he...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    Well, you are corre2ct about at least one thing ... we aren't talking about the same thing. The title of the thread is Zoom Climb, not...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    Hi Ivan1GFP, You either didn't read my posts very well or I expressed poorly. Could be a bit of both, I can't say. I agree with your...
  • GregP
    GregP replied to the thread Zoom Climb.
    I've never seen a WWII fighter live that wasn't impressive in flight. I've ridden in a P-40N, among others, and IT was impressive when...