Recent content by hamishunger

  1. H

    17 Squadron markings for BoB

    Thank you some lovely photos, quite a few I haven't seen before on a typical Google image search - cheers
  2. H

    17 Squadron markings for BoB

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a profile example of a 17 Squadron Hurricane Mk.I from the late Battle of Britain. Every piece of artwork/profile seems to be different from the next, Be it the size/colour of the propeller hub, the size of the fuselage roundel, the relative thickness of the...
  3. H

    Brass components in WW2 era aircraft

    Hi all, Just a quick question that many of you will know the answer to, posting questions here is easier, less frustrating and the answers are always better than using Google (unless Google directs me to an answer from this forum). Could somebody give me a brief lowdown on the use of brass in...
  4. H

    PZL P.11 flown by Eugeniusz Szaposznikow

    I am listening, what do you mean?
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    PZL P.11 flown by Eugeniusz Szaposznikow

    Thanks for the info, what you said about the 111th's pilots flying different machines when the fighting in Poland started, makes perfect sense and I had considered that myself. What is amazing is that they didn't lose more aircraft and even managed to shoot down 8 Luftwaffe planes including a...
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    PZL P.11 flown by Eugeniusz Szaposznikow

    Hi, any idea where I might find such a list? Thanks
  7. H

    PZL P.11 flown by Eugeniusz Szaposznikow

    Thanks for the picture, I've seen this before, but can't remember where.
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    PZL P.11 flown by Eugeniusz Szaposznikow

    Hi guys, Once again I am not sure what forum to post this in. If you think this needs to be in a different forum, please let me know. Here goes ... I am making a tribute board to a Polish pilot that fought so incredibly well with RAF Fighter Command during the B.o.B. Presently I am finding out...
  9. H

    Luftwaffe emblems

    Brilliant thank you, now I remember. Sgt Raimund Puda, a Czech fighter pilot fought with this unit until the fall of France. He then made his way to Britain, joined the RAF and fought with 310 squadron. One of the many foreign nationals that helped save us in the Battle of Britain and without...
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    Luftwaffe emblems

    Hello and Happy New Year, this is the wrong forum for this question, I wasn't sure where to post it. If you know of a more suitable forum, could you tell me and I will redirect this post. Here's my question. Can anybody please identify this Luftwaffe emblem, I found it some time ago on the net...
  11. H

    Ju88 werk # for Jonn Cunningham's first AI kill

    As far as any proof goes, you always have to trust the seller, most COAs aren't worth the paper they are printed on. I bought these from a seller who runs a website that is devoted to WW2 relics, so I trust their integrity far more than say somebody on eBay. At the end of the day, unless you dig...
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    Ju88 werk # for Jonn Cunningham's first AI kill

    The two replies I have had are very reassuring thank you, I was thinking along those lines because it wouldn't make sense to manufacture individual components for individual aircraft builds. That being said, when a plane wreck is dug up, there must be a 'main' data plate that identifies the...
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    Ju88 werk # for Jonn Cunningham's first AI kill

    Hi all, A quick question regarding a group of a/c relics I recently purchased. The vendor wrote that these parts come from a JU88 A-5 number 2189, this aircraft was the first AI radar kill by the RAF. This checks out with the Kraker Luftwaffe Archive and is of some interest to me, so I...
  14. H

    "Hello" re a crash relic from a BOB 109

    Many thanks Christiaan for corroborating what Melvin said, now I can narrow my search down to oxygen demand regulators. Do you or anyone else know where the oxygen regulator would be found in the cockpit? Also, are you a German speaker Christiaan? I should like to know some of the terminology...
  15. H

    "Hello" re a crash relic from a BOB 109

    Hi Melvin, I never thought about the oxygen system, I will investigate that for sure - thank you. If you could give me some details about your 109 manual, I would also appreciate that very much too. Cheers