Recent content by HerrKaleut

  1. H

    Hood vs. Scharnhorst

    This could have been intresting had it not gone off at a tangent. The subject (Hood v Scharnhorst) drifted very heavily into the realms of the theoretical surrounding the battle of the North Cape, allied and axis radar, battle tactics (dont forget Bey had orders, if you suspect heavy units...
  2. H

    German aircraft crashing photo: real?

    Could be battle damage to wing leading edge. It appears to be rolling left with left aileron down( and right appears to be up), which is very wrong unless aerodynamics are shot due to leading edge damage. Hmmm,...probably faked but wouldn't bet my pension on it. I can back up the ejection...
  3. H

    Greatest WWII Military Commanders: Updated

    Why has nobody mentioned Doenitz, the only chap who really worried Churchill and who was worshiped by his men. A true leader. Re; Rolls Royce, I feel certain that the Kestral was used in the 109 during development before going into Luftwaffe service, ( but stand to be corrected) and the 1112...
  4. H

    Longest Serivce?

    I would like to nominate the Avro 504. In RAF service from 1913 to 1933, and in RCAF service until 1939 and (i stand to be corrected on this bit) with the chinese as a trainer till the mid 40's.
  5. H

    I'm saluting the Quarterdeck now, Sirs!

    Super...Pasties and Mead (or Scrumpy) all round!..YAAAAY:lol:
  6. H

    I'm saluting the Quarterdeck now, Sirs!

    Welcome Lingo. My daughter lives near you in Goldsithney (or however its spelt):D
  7. H

    Needs a movie!!

    Beaten again. Jutland, film or mini series, from the naval race build up, through the battle, to the post battle recriminations. I recall from my schooldays that there was a series on T.V. about the true stories of the U.S. submarine service called "Silent Service" Bucksnort...
  8. H

    Heinkel He 177

    Hesekiel, can't help with your pics but can give 177 units . They were; Fernkampfgeschwader 50 KGs 1, 4, 10, 40, 100(wiking), 200. Flugzeugfuhrerschule..(B)15, (B)16, (B)31. hope that is of assistance...good luck:D Just seen the other posts, I didn' realise your reserch...
  9. H

    Just the opposite

    To carry on from my "most beautiful ship" thread , how about (for a laugh) the "Most Butt=ugly ship ever":twisted:
  10. H

    Which side would you fly for?.......

    Just a :oops:quick question...what is the signifigance of the Red inserts ?:oops:
  11. H


    My list has to have Hood,Prinz Eugen,the Tribals, Z31 class, Manchester, The Sverdlovs, Iowas and the Indianapolis
  12. H

    Which side would you fly for?.......

    Being of sound mind, I would stay on the ground. Seing the comments at the begining of this thread re; the best air force (Brit or US.) it reminded me of a reprimand I received on an RN training course. I was asked by a visiting high ranking US Naval officer "How does it feel serving in the...
  13. H

    Most Influential Ship?

    So to return to the thread, The Turbinia must enter the arena. (No turbines, no nuclear subs)......I'm going to regret this aren't I????:lol:
  14. H

    Sarkozy refuses invite royals D Day 65th-Anniversary

    Just a small point. Protocol and precedence dictate that an invite is sent from the French gov. to Buckingham Palace and a CC to Downing St. Although Brown is P.M., Her Maj. is still the head of state (albeit with no real constitutional powers). How many years have these commemorations been...
  15. H

    Most Influential Ship?

    The thing that I find amusing is that the british admiralty at first objected to the use of submarines because they were "Damned un-English" Also that in both wars, the hun used U-boats,which were dark and evil and thoroughly nasty things who's crews were villanous, darsterdly murderous pirates...