Recent content by jbabcock

  1. J

    Norton Bombsight

    Here's a few photos I found once ... Sorry, no time to make thumbnails this morning :)
  2. J


    Umm, ball
  3. J

    Pigeon guidance system

    Pigeons weren't the only animals used for bombing: Bat bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. J


    I was once told by an acquaintance who knows a thing or six about AAMs and SAMs that most pilot's first warning of a missile launch is seeing the rocket engine as the missile overshoots. So, yeah, I can understand wanting to have eyes in the back instead of a radar antenna. Still, these days...
  5. J


    It's my understanding that modern flares are pretty cool. Modern IR seekers are pretty discriminating, and the all aspect ones try to home in on warm skin like leading edges, and ignore really obvious things like the sun and jet pipes. Hence, the modern flares are made to burn colder. Still...
  6. J

    US Bomb marking's and installation

    Neat. Any info on the M-47 or M-69 out there? These were the incendiary bombs that pretty much destroyed every city in Japan (save the three targeted for nuclear attacks) over a period of several weeks. I've always been interested in them. I'm also interested in the cassettes like the M-19 and M-17.