Recent content by JugBR

  1. JugBR

    What Are You Listening To???

  2. JugBR

    what is your soccer team ?

    the canaries because the brazilian national team ? some influence or relation ?
  3. JugBR

    World Football (Soccer) Thread

    take a coup of coke tea, it might help
  4. JugBR

    Soccer or Football?

    View: View: View: View: football is crazy !
  5. JugBR

    Problems with Internet Explorer

    try mozilla firefox over a linux so over windows thats not shuch a big difference !
  6. JugBR

    "Adoft Hitler" birthday cake

    im talking about the other hitler ! the "celebrity one" !!! i tihnk theres laws to protect and change humiliating names of childrens isnt ? if some one from his family protest against this name choice... i dont know... just an idea...
  7. JugBR

    Bronson`s personal Pics.

    cb cara de nerd ! :lol:
  8. JugBR

    "Adoft Hitler" birthday cake

    adolf hitler ? i would throw shoes on his head if i could... "- Dies ist seine Geburtstagstorte, Sie dreckiger Hund!"
  9. JugBR

    The Best F1 drivers of all time

    View: the real fighters are the ones dont run out the battle even knowing they could die. you can agree or disagree of senna be the best of all times but he was a real fighter.
  10. JugBR

    F1: hammilton or massa ?

    theres hammilton, massa, alonso... all great drivers. nut next season a pilot to watch out also is nelsinho piquet, another pilot son of a great champion making his own history in f1.
  11. JugBR

    Your Favorite YouTube Music Video Clips....

    is this celtic music influences ?
  12. JugBR

    The Person Below Me (TPBM)

    tpbm says is republican but in fact voted for obama
  13. JugBR

    F1: hammilton or massa ?

    ehhh time runs fast !
  14. JugBR

    F1: hammilton or massa ?

    at least massa was world champion by 5 minutes... :D
  15. JugBR

    Maverick´s Campaign:

    in brazil they was manufactured with the "ford´s dorsal spin" 302 v8, a 6 in line and a 4 in line. all bijets. also there was a few quadrijet v8 models sold to allow ford to participate of interlagos 24 hours race with the "maveko" quadrijet. what annalogy could be made between the car and...