Recent content by Madcap

  1. Madcap

    Valkyrie movie - question about Junkers Ju-52 depicted

    I don't know where you got awful from? :) Having never seen Stauffenberg I can't comment but I will watch it and will probably enjoy it from what has been said. Valkerie is a good film, as a Hollywood film it was intended for a wider audiance than Stauffenberg. I am very picky about 'my' films...
  2. Madcap

    Focke-Wulf aircraft projects list

    Thanks I did check on the net but I got a graph as the answer but thought it was wrong. :)
  3. Madcap

    Valkyrie movie - question about Junkers Ju-52 depicted

    I was more intrigued about the Bf 109s, they to are original and have the correct engines, until I watched the extras I was under the impression the only 109/109s? flying were the Spanish ones with the wrong engine fitted, nicknamed the 'Mule' if I am right. Valkerie is a very god film with an...
  4. Madcap

    Focke-Wulf aircraft projects list

    vikingBeserker Thanks for scanning and posting the projects list, appreciated, I ordered the book after you told me about it after your 'review'. A4K I've got a few more manufacturers lists if you're interested; Arado; Gotha; Heinkel; and Junkers. Crimea River whats a shop-loading chart? :)
  5. Madcap

    Focke-Wulf aircraft projects list

    Cheers! :p I might order it, I have The Junkers aircraft book, and that was a good buy. Have you got the earlier or the newer edition? I'm not sure which one to order, I read the new preface on Amazon and it says the majority of the photos from the earlier edition are not in the new one for...
  6. Madcap

    Focke-Wulf aircraft projects list

    hern07 I'll check it out cheers
  7. Madcap

    Focke-Wulf aircraft projects list

    I'm trying to produce a list of the production, prototype and project aircraft of Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH from 1933-1945, basically the Third Reich era. So far I've finished (as far as I am aware) with the production and protoype aircraft, but am having trouble deciphering the Focke-Wulf...