Recent content by Metal_Brazil

  1. M

    Forgotten Battles of the Second World War

    By this time, soldiers of the division had adopted an arm patch depicting a green snake smoking a pipe, a pun at a pre-war joke that went by saying it was more likely to see a snake smoking than a Brazilian fighting in Europe. However, according to many Brazilian veterans, the slang "the snake...
  2. M

    Forgotten Battles of the Second World War

    About 80% of riflemen were between 22 and 25 years old, with some 2 or 3 years service. They were accustomed to the severe discipline of the caste like Brazilian Army. For example, regulations provided that a private must salute a corporal on all occasions; soldiers, when riding on a bus, were...
  3. M

    Forgotten Battles of the Second World War

    My first topic From:Forgotten Battles of the Second World War Brazil Goes to War It is not generally known that Brazil played a role in the Allied victory in World War 2, yet the forces of that country were actively involved in the war against the axis on two different fronts...