Recent content by mrfahrenheit

  1. M

    Three Italians in one day...OR...Which one did my grandfather shoot down?

    It's crazy. I've used the internet for everything from music to fiction to effects pedals all these years, and have kept myself stuck away in libraries as far as my WWII obsessions go, and I've learned more in a short while online than I ever did among the stacks. As for Hartmann's gun...
  2. M

    Three Italians in one day...OR...Which one did my grandfather shoot down?

    Yes, I'm the same chap. A fellow who wrote a book about said Italian squadron just sent me a map of the three crashes, with the northern-most being Tarantola. So, until I can research the thing further, I would guess that this is the one my grandfather claimed as a probable. The gentleman who...
  3. M

    Three Italians in one day...OR...Which one did my grandfather shoot down?

    Thank you! I will post my question there as soon as my registration is finalized. Thank you again for your help.
  4. M

    Three Italians in one day...OR...Which one did my grandfather shoot down?

    On April 25, 1944, three Italian G.55s were shot down by P-47s of the 318th FS (325th FG). As the following link shows, three of them went down, with only one (Toressi) being for sure claimed: Italian biplane fighter aces - Giulio Torresi My grandfather, Joseph Harper, had a probable on...
  5. M

    325th Fighter Group P-51 - Checkertails Pics wanted

    Thank you so much! I'm a writer and designer of kids' books, and in my free time I'm working on something WWII-related, and that's what got me looking into my grandfather's service. I've always been the one in the family who's interested, but had no clue that the internet could be such a...
  6. M

    325th Fighter Group P-51 - Checkertails Pics wanted

    Hello! I just joined up. My grandfather was Lt. Joseph Harper, and he flew in the 318th FS. His P-51C was shot down on an escort mission to Ploesti on June 24, 1944. He was shot down by Erich Hartmann. Anyway, I have found most of the info on his plane number (it was 42), reports of his last...