Recent content by Nick L

  1. N

    309 Squadron

    I have posted it in three part in "Stories"
  2. N

    Mustang Raid on Stavanger, September 1942

    In the meantime certain developments had taken place on the ground back in Scotland. First - the story goes - I fell off the plotting table, which was not what the Ops Room expected or desired. They telephoned the flight but nobody in authority was available. Then the station Commander was sent...
  3. N

    Mustang Raid on Stavanger, September 1942

    The 27th of September was my D-day. I saw clearly the following deficiencies in the situation and equipment: 1. For operations against Stavanger, Peterhead was the natural base, Dalcross being almost 100 miles farther from the target. 2. As mentioned before I did not have a detailed map of...
  4. N

    Mustang Raid on Stavanger, September 1942

    STAVANGER - SEPTEMBER 1942. "Perhaps this long range strike was prompted by… a pilot who was flying Mustangs with 309 Squadron"-from "P-51 Bomber Escort" by William Hess. The spools of tape in my memory bank start whirling and the old pictures reappear on the screen of my mind...
  5. N

    309 Squadron

    I've got it in Word, but it could be a .pdf. I could simply copy and paste it in "Stories" but it seemed a little long.
  6. N

    309 Squadron

    Hi all - Happy Christmas. I now have my father's account of his attack on Stavanger in electronic form - it stretches to 9 pages of A4. What would be the best way to publish it the forum?
  7. N

    309 Squadron

    v2, my father was born on the opposite side (I think) at 19 Krowoderska. antoni, I have found your message (thanks for pointing out that they exist on this forum)!
  8. N

    309 Squadron

    v2, you might be pleased/interested to know that my Dad was from Krakow (brought up in Krowoderska street). Next time you walk up to Wawel, look at the named bricks in the wall on the left, and near the top you will find my grandad.
  9. N

    309 Squadron

    antoni, no historians have seen it, it is in the posession of one of my brothers. Somewhere in my loft I have an account of the mission written by my Dad which he tried without success to get published - the problem is I have a big loft with lots of junk in it.
  10. N

    309 Squadron

    One of my brothers thought you might be interested to see this page of my Dad's flight log-book.
  11. N

    309 Squadron

    Thanks antoni! Incidentally, you have the same name as one of my brothers and one of my Dad's brothers. The photo is indeed of my Dad. It is interesting how family stories get a little garbled. From the point of view of his qualifications, he had graduated as a Civil Engineer from the...
  12. N

    309 Squadron

    Hi, My first post to this forum - because I happened to do a Google search on my Dad's name (Janusz Lewkowicz). Brunner - my Dad was a Civil Engineer before and after the War. When the Mustangs arrived at 309 Squadron, they were basically untried and there was no clear idea about their fuel...