Recent content by Scrapyard Ape

  1. Scrapyard Ape

    Democrats and Social Security

    That is just another mass-forwarded "scare tactic" email that is filled with half-truths and outright fabrications. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Social Security Changes
  2. Scrapyard Ape

    DO335 in IL2?

    It should be there. Here is a screenshot I just took of the v404m quick mission builder menu with the player aircraft drop-down visible.... I'm guessing that you have something missing. The most obvious question I have to ask is... are you absolutely sure you have Il2+AEP+PF in a...
  3. Scrapyard Ape

    DO335 in IL2?

    The patches have to be installed in the proper order or things will not work properly. That link I posted earlier has specific instructions on the installation order.
  4. Scrapyard Ape

    DO335 in IL2?

    I just reloaded an older version of Il2+AEP+PF(v4.04m) and looked. The DO335 is available. Again, I don't know which patch has the plane. If the OP installs up to v4.04m then he will have the aircraft.
  5. Scrapyard Ape

    DO335 in IL2?

    I cannot recall which update has the DO335... The quickest way to tell if you have it available is to open the Quick mission builder and look at the drop-down menu for the player plane. If it is not there, then you will need to download and install the correct patch. Here is a thread...
  6. Scrapyard Ape

    Germany's 'last' WWI veteran dies

    If Wikipedia's numbers are correct.... Surviving veterans of World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... then there are four. Three confirmed vets and one who joined after armistice but before the Treaty of Versailles. /edit: There are two additional British vets living in Australia...
  7. Scrapyard Ape


    Did some Googling. As far as I can see, the game was Mac only. Found a download if you have a Mac and want a copy.... Macintosh Garden
  8. Scrapyard Ape

    Albums covers.....

    HEY! No disrespecting the Ethel Merman Disco Album! :evil:
  9. Scrapyard Ape

    Albums covers.....

    In no particular order..... I hope you learned your lesson that it is unwise to ask me such questions as the one posed in this thread. Muahahahahahaha! :twisted:
  10. Scrapyard Ape

    Do americans wash their vegetables before they eat them?

    We've been very lucky. In 2004, we had Charlie, Frances, and Jeanne, but they all had minimal impact in this area.(Charlie did most of his damage well south of here and the other two did most of their damage to the north in the Tampa/St. Pete area)
  11. Scrapyard Ape

    Do americans wash their vegetables before they eat them?

    I'm in the Bradenton/Sarasota area... where the median age is death plus two years. :p
  12. Scrapyard Ape

    Do americans wash their vegetables before they eat them?

    Duh..... me not know had to wash. Me usually wipe butt with veggies first. Just living up to the "stupid American" stereotype that seems to be everywhere these days.:p
  13. Scrapyard Ape

    Apollo 11

    That guy was Bart Sibrel. He is one of the more vocal anti-Apollo conspiracy advocates. Aldrin was not the only one to take a swipe at him. Edgar Mitchell gave him a good sound kick to the backside for the same reasons as Buzz. John Young nearly went off on him physically but luckily had...
  14. Scrapyard Ape

    Saturday morning cartoons from 1967

    Yeah. Saw a lot of them in re-runs during the 70's(particularly the Herculoids and Cool McCool) as well. I thought the OP meant if we remembered watching them in their original broadcasts. :confused:
  15. Scrapyard Ape

    Apollo 11

    Link please.(if any) At least tell me the name of the program and who the production company was. I suspect that this one of the typical hatchet-jobs of Richard Hoagland and his ilk. They like to take Buzz's comments about the retinal flash phenomenon that is common in space travel and...