Recent content by Splitter

  1. Splitter

    Luftwaffe Aircraft Camouflage and Markings

    Thank you,you helped me a lot to deal with colors.^)
  2. Splitter

    Luftwaffe Aircraft Camouflage and Markings

    Thank you very much^)Underneath it white or blue?
  3. Splitter

    Luftwaffe Aircraft Camouflage and Markings

    Hello friends!I need your help.I want to make a Bf109-K4.But i have a some problem.I dont have scheme of this plane like on this picture.And don't know what numbers RLM on this plane.Please help me.The plane is Ernest Dieter 8 Jg 53 April 1945. May be you have another scheme of Bf109-K4 with...
  4. Splitter

    For Wurger

    Hello friends!Is this A-8 or A-9?
  5. Splitter

    1/48 Eduard FW190A-8

    :pHello,friend ratpit! very like your model Fw190-A8 Eduard:)Can you tell me a number of this kit Fw190-A8 Eduard?And do you have been any problems with build this aerocraft?I dont know by o not thos model but your model is klass:)