Recent content by stardude89

  1. S

    Boyes Anti Tank Rifle

    hi I was wondering if anybody has any information about the ammunition for the .55 Boyes rifle. were there any different projectiles? cheers
  2. S

    MG 151/20 shell colors

    hi me again i found another round tucked away and yet again i am not sure what it is, apart from AP can anybody tell me? its the same as this but the band is white
  3. S

    MG 151/20 shell colors

    what does the RB stand for?
  4. S

    MG 151/20 shell colors

    hi, i cannot see "Ph" or "E" anywhere on it. the markings on the head read "wg32 d42 115g"
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    MG 151/20 shell colors

    hi its me again i bought this round and i know its an AP round but i am not sure what the blue band denotes. can anyone tell me?
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    MG 151/20 shell colors

    i have been told this 20mm round is an 'armour peircing incendiary' can anybody confirm that?
  7. S

    MG 151/20 shell colors

    hi i have recently come into these 20mm shells and was unable to identify their type from the markings, would some1 please help?