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  • Hi Steve,
    Hope you are well.
    I am wandering, do you have information about 'lambie2' mustang online somewhere? or other mustangs flown by Meyer:) I'd love to find out more about them and since you mentioned in the forum that you have some info about lambie2 I thought I'd ask:)
    many thanks,
    I'm just now seeing this post and you may already have this info but here's what I have: On 10 April, 8 May and 12 May 1944, JC Meyer scored all of his 5.5 P-51B victories in 42-106471, HO-M, "Lambie II". 42-106471 was destroyed and Lt. Clifford Garney was killed in this a/c when he crashed at Bodney, the 352nd FG's base, returning from a mission on 07 June 1944.
    Thanks Troy:) No, i haven't had a reply from Steve yet. So I do appreciate the info from you. Thanks lots.

    I've been slowly trying to accumulate books so that I can cross-check all the info that people like yourself have shared, so hopefully I'll be able to put it all together soon. Thanks again for getting in touch and for offering the helpful info that you've offered.
    Hi guys. Correction on your posts. Lambie II crashed at Fairstead in Essex....not Bodney. I have fully researched this incident as I have a personal interest. I used to live a mile from the crash site and back in the mid sixties my friend had two of the guns in his garden shed !! My research is available if you want it.
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