Recent content by Sudden_strike

  1. Sudden_strike

    What is Your favourite plane from world war 2?

    with such enourmously long messages like this, you all should be in a chat room.
  2. Sudden_strike

    Best tank killer aircraft of WW2

    I know its not a Messerschmitt, but its still pretty cool, and there were more mods of that plane than the Me. Oh and please stop posting messages that contain just one smiley or a pair of words. Write something imteresting.
  3. Sudden_strike

    Best Fighter

    The point beeng? Do your reaserch.
  4. Sudden_strike


    Gemans aces scored most aerial kills, busted most tanks, flak installations... Germans were\are the best pilots, so stop making excuses. Hartmann shot down 6 "`stangs" as I recall with his Bf109, and Rudel managed to crack open tanks, sink ships AND down fighters AND land to pickup his shot down...
  5. Sudden_strike

    Best tank killer aircraft of WW2

    Not antitank exactly, more like anti-bomber, anti-submarine and anti-flak installations. Pauke! Pauke!
  6. Sudden_strike

    Best Fighter

    The Ta152 is my favourite. It gave hell to EVERY fighter it encountered, really whipped those "best fighters of ww2 p-51"... oh but don`t get pissed, the Mustang was a remarkable fighter. But if only the P.1101 would have been completed... it would be as if the Germans had a time machine and...
  7. Sudden_strike

    Best tank killer aircraft of WW2

    The Stuka of cource! Rockets or not rockets, it had two cannons like the Shturmovik (even same caliber. Who`s the copycat??) and could with great precision drop bombs at any targets. Tanks were flipped over, cracked open like tincans, and the whistling terror!! Ha ha! Here`s a nice vid...
  8. Sudden_strike

    What was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

    Hello, my first post on this forum. I`m a big Luftwaffe fan, and I just have to correct you here: though the Komet was a failure as an intercepror statistically, it set a number of records wich involved the fastest interception of a Mustang P-51 at about 10 Km altitude for under 5 minutes, an...